Man and overgrowth constantly encroach on and impact natural wetlands. Drought, poor drainage, and other factors can damage the delicate ecological balance necessary for healthy plant life and wildlife.
BioHaven® Floating Islands are an excellent tool for creating habitats both below and above the water line. These man-made islands create a sustainable ecosystem for better water quality and diverse habitats when additional measures are needed for wetland habitat management.
What is Wetland Habitat Management?
Habitat restoration is “the purposeful rehabilitation of an area to recreate a functioning ecosystem.” Successful habitat restoration requires understanding and rehabilitating the area’s species and how they interact with water, nutrients, food, available space, shelter, and other elements critical to sustaining these populations.
Our man-made islands provide valuable wetland habitat by turning a pond next to a building or parking lot into a refuge for fish and macroinvertebrates among the roots, food for birds and larval insects, and a place for turtles and frogs.
Biohaven® Floating Islands for Wetland Habitat Management
BioHaven® Floating Islands received U.S. State Department recognition in 2014 for being one of the top six innovations in water technologies. Midwest Floating Island helps cities, communities, commercial organizations, and corporations looking for ways to bring in more diverse native habitat. They demonstrated extreme effectiveness in enhancing wetland ecosystems both above and underwater.
Midwest Floating Island constructs floating islands made from non-woven PET plastic fibers derived from BPA-free recycled plastic drinking bottles and injected marine-grade foam for increased buoyancy. They include wicking holes and anchor points to facilitate better vegetation growth and customization for shallow, deep, and moving water bodies.
The man-made island matrix provides over 125 square feet per cubic foot of surface area, including the long roots below the surface. BioHaven® Floating Islands can achieve higher nutrient removal rates with less land reclamation than traditional constructed treatment wetlands.
BioHaven® artificial wetlands can be considered a floating version of a constructed wetland that can be positioned where a traditional constructed wetland couldn’t be established due to cost, space, or access restraints.
Benefits of Floating Water Mats in Wetland Habitats
Why should you consider incorporating BioHaven® Floating Wetlands water mats? Our earth-friendly wetland islands are safe for fish and other aquatic species and even promote healthy insect habitats that reduce mosquito populations. Strategically place islands for pollination, waterfowl nesting, and fish sanctuary or refuges.
Other benefits include:
The floating water mats provide ample space for microbes to attach and work to naturally remove impurities from the water. No chemicals, no harm to surrounding wildlife or natural ecosystems.
Man-made floating wetlands are inexpensive and do not have to be removed during certain seasons. They are also usable with other water-quality technologies and require no special adaptations.
Long-Term Use
BioHaven® Floating Wetlands perform continuously after installation to improve water quality and provide wetland habitat. To extend their life, we have added UV protection on the tops and sides, which we call Armor.
Aesthetic Appeal
These floating water mats appear completely natural and add beauty to any waterway or wetland habitat. Wild plants and other growth can be added as desired for beauty and habitat enhancement.
Man-made floating wetlands from Midwest Floating Island are customizable. The islands can be created in a variety of shapes and lengths. Our standard islands are 5 feet or 6.6 feet wide and can be joined to form larger islands. These water mats can also be modified to make them extra buoyant.
Nesting Islands
Our bio-friendly floating islands provide a safe and secluded habitat for ducks, swans, and loons to build their nests, protecting them from land predators and providing a secure environment for nesting. Place them in new or restored waterways to improve the local wildfowl populations.
Storm- and Hurricane-and Winter Proof
Anchored floating wetlands withstand heavy storms and even withstood hurricane-force winds during Hurricane Isaac. Floating wetlands do not have to be removed from larger water bodies during winter as long as you can leave a floating dock there. The native wetland plants should grow back and look lush for the following summer.
Highly Effective
BioHaven® Floating Wetlands offer a natural and chemical-free approach to water treatment. By leveraging nature’s own processes, they promote water conservation and provide significant benefits for ecosystem health.
Enjoy Triple Benefits from Every Application
You get at least two additional benefits for every reason you install a floating island. If you chose islands for better water appearance, the better water quality also enhances aquatic life and aesthetics. Wildlife habitat can provide important biodiversity by attracting new pollinators to the area.
Because the anchored islands easily move up and down to changing water levels, they provide a way to bring diverse vegetation into water bodies that could not accommodate the desired plants due to droughts and floods.
Install Green FWIs for Healthy Wetland Habitats
BioHaven® Floating Wetland Islands (FWIs) mimic natural floating islands while harnessing natural processes to reduce nutrients and greatly enhance man-made or natural wetland habitats. Contact Midwest Floating Island in St. Paul, Minnesota, at 651-379-2480 or complete the interest form to request a contact.