Floating Wetland News

KSTP News Story-Floating Islands Become Popular to Clean Polluted Minnesota Lakes and Ponds
Interest in floating islands is growing as people look to clean polluted lakes and ponds.
Upcoming seminar with Metro Blooms and Heidi Heiland on Floating Islands
Join us for a free seminar on June 30. Our floating island seminar will cover the basics of creating and maintaining your very own floating garden for wildlife habitat and bioremediation. Click here to register: http://tinyurl.com/qjjo7gf
Pioneer Press Newspaper: Glacier Hills Elementary Stormwater Pond – A Classroom on Water Quality
Students from Glacier Hills Elementary learn about solving environmental problems with floating wetlands.
New Way to Approach Suburban Water Quality Issue
A Sun Sailor article about the island launch at Cascade Meadow Wetlands and Environmental Science Center in Rochester.
Cascade Meadow Wetlands & Environmental Science Center
An article about our island launch at Cascade Meadow Wetlands and Environmental Science Center.
In a Tiny NY Village, Bacteria Do a Big Job on Drugs in Wastewater
An article about a promising new approach to removing troubling pollutants from wastewater.
Floating Islands to the Rescue
A New York Times article on how BioHaven® floating islands could help rescue the Upper Mississippi.
Simply Science: Plastic Islands in Mpls Lake
A Kare11 article with video about our seven islands installation on Spring Lake.
Minneapolis Using ‘Floating Islands’ To Clean Up Sick Lake
A local CBS news video about our seven islands installation on Spring Lake.
Plastic Powers a Lake Cleanup
A StarTribune article on our seven islands installation on Spring Lake.
Floating Islands To Clean Up Minneapolis Lake
Floating Islands launched in Spring Lake
Minnesota Landscape Architects to install ‘floating Islands’ in impaired Minneapolis lake
Minnesota Landscape Architects to install ‘floating Islands’
Help the Loons!
Protect loons from shore predators.  Experience has taught us that providing more protected nesting areas for loons is one of the best ways to help increase populations.
Island Production in Minnesota
Floating Islands are now produced here in the Midwest.