Pollinators in Peril: How YOU Can Help Save Them

Bee on top of a purple flower - floating wetlands

Why Pollinators are Important: Summer is a wonderful time of the year. The birds are singing, bees are buzzing, and the pleasant aroma of flowers wafts through the air. At least that is how summer should be. But do you know pollinators are in peril?

Islands- Creating Homes for Invertebrates

Drawing of a invertebrate called a Gammarus - floating wetlands

When people talk about freshwater ecosystems, the first images that come to mind are animals like fish, frogs, turtles, and birds. These organisms, called vertebrates, are the largest and most familiar life forms found in freshwater environments. However, a much more abundant and equally important part of the health of these ecosystems is a group of animals called invertebrates. These … Read More

Combat Algae without Chemicals

Pond algae - biohaven floating island

During the warm, sunny summer months, lakes and ponds often develop a pale green appearance accompanied by a foul smell. Algae can grow quickly when an excess of nutrients develops in a body of water. Blue-Green algal blooms are dangerous because they create numerous environmental and safety threats. Preventing the blooms is ideal. First, minimize run off of nutrients into … Read More

Phytoremediation to Clean the Water Instead of Chemicals

Floating wetland planted with sunflowers - floating vegetation mat

One of the biggest risks involved in environmental clean-up tasks is the threat of unintended consequences. Often, the addition of synthetic chemicals intended to neutralize or prevent the spread of contaminants results in crucial elements of the biological web being negatively affected, sometimes severely. In almost every case, natural clean-up processes provide a practical way to eliminate the threat of … Read More

An Innovative Home for Loons

Loon on her BioHaven Floating Island Nest

 Creating a wetland habitat for loons in Minnesota Phyllis Sherman reports that her two BioHaven home for loons in Northern Minnesota are “a great success!” A Star Tribune article recently announced that the Minnesota and Wisconsin Departments of Natural Resources might receive $39 million over a 15-year period that may help the Minnesota state bird-the loon. This money would help lessen … Read More

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Seminar with Metro Blooms and Heidi’s Lifestyle Gardens 2015

Floating island outside of a beach - floating wetlands

Please Join our Free Seminar to Learn More about Floating Islands Our program for the evening will include: Brief overview of Metro Blooms programs How man-made floating wetlands make a difference: better water quality, diverse habitat for pollinators and wildlife How to launch a BioHaven® Floating Island with a live demonostration by Heidi herself On-site tour of a variety of … Read More

Wildlife Habitat

Wildlife Habitat In addition to naturally cleaning our waterways, BioHaven® floating islands are an excellent solution to create habitat for birds, turtles, frogs, insects (particularly pollinators), fish, and other wildlife to thrive. In recent years, more and more wildlife have been losing their habitats due to humans. These islands are helping to bring more wildlife back to local ponds, lakes, … Read More