Floating Islands To Clean Up Minneapolis Lake

Floating Islands To Clean Up Minneapolis Lake StarTribune|local Floating islands to clean up Minneapolis lake Posted by: Josephine Marcotty Updated: August 11, 2011 – 10:53 AM Now here’s a great idea. Next week seven floating islands will be launched in Spring Lake in Minneapolis that will help clean up that little polluted body of water. They’re made from recycled plastic … Read More

Minnesota Landscape Architects to install ‘floating Islands’ in impaired Minneapolis lake

Minnesota Landscape Architects to install ‘floating Islands’ in impaired Minneapolis lake FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Minnesota Landscape Architects to install ‘floating Islands’ in impaired Minneapolis lake MINNEAPOLIS (August 9, 2011) – On August 17, 2011, the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) is launching a campaign to raise public awareness and understanding of the landscape architecture profession. A coordinated launch will … Read More

Help The Loons!

Help the Loons! Loon nesting islands provide a safe, durable nesting place for loons.  They provide easy access to the water, protection from shore predators and barriers to provide overhead protection from flying predators.  Improving brooding conditions is the best help we can offer for loons. Loon islands should be launched earlier in the planting season so they will be ready for … Read More

Island Protection in Minnesota

Island Protection in Minnesota   Midwest Floating Island, MFI, began production of floating wetlands right here in “The Land of Lakes”. Minnesota is know for being the “land of 10,000 lakes” making it the perfect location for the manufacturing of floating islands. However, most of our lakes and ponds have poor water quality due to pesticides, run-off, salt in the … Read More

Aesthetic Waterscapes

Aesthetic Waterscapes in FWIs BioHaven® Floating Wetland Islands  (FWI) can be used to create customizable, picturesque waterscapes. The islands can fulfill all your needs from flowerbeds to lush natural grasses. They can be tailor made to be any size or shape to meet your design objectives.  Pollinators Our man-made wetlands provide a perfect place for planting pollinators such as swamp … Read More


Glossary Aerobic: The condition describing the presence of oxygen in the water. Aeration: To supply ( the soil or a liquid) with air. A critical variable associated with waterway health. Nutrient surges can cause oxygen depletion, even in the presence of a floating island. Dissolved oxygen is vital for the health of a waterway, for fish productivity, for bio-complexity. Phosphorous-consuming … Read More

Launching Instructions

Launching Instructions We can provide a video and written instructions to help launch your new islands. The ideal launching site is a gentle, level slope, with vehicular access to the waterway and an open shoreline. However, site variations may call for expert help. Custom islands are likely to be more complicated to install, requiring expert launch assistance. MFI has trained … Read More

Research Papers

Research Papers Floating Island International®, Inc. and its licensees are heavily invested in research and reporting. Here you will read research reports and peer-reviewed papers demonstrating and quantifying the efficacy of BioHaven® floating islands in their primary function of remediating impaired water through biological and mechanical means.   Performance Evaluation of a Floating Treatment Wetland in an Urban Catchment This … Read More